Introducing the biggest revolution for the smart phone since the smart phone.
Spherio is bringing custom AR to the world!
Spherio™ is the first-of-its-kind platform designed to challenge the status quo and push the limits of innovation by making customizable AR possible in real-life time and space— on your phone! Plus, immersive content creation and a whole lot more…
Spherio Beta has now launched!
Tap your preferred platform to download:

Create a single universe for EVERYTHING.
It’s the immersive mobile tech and on-demand VR creation tool that enables ANYONE to design, create, access, and share amazing VR experiences, interactive AR content, simulated virtual content across social media, and eventually publish NFT collectibles… all at once!

Social Media
What is social about a flat screen? Spherio unleashes social media the way it should have been. Create 3D “Worlds” of content to view, store, interact with, and share. Create truly immersive content.

Mobile VR
Spherio takes the “scroll-forever” 2D mentality into an entirely different and immersive realm. “Swim” through your content and create your own virtual reality.

Gaming & Ecommerce
With Spherio, you can gamify ANYTHING. Create custom, personalized gaming of your choosing with a tap— no code! Use Spherio as a portal to buy and sell on any marketplace, store NFTs, and trade crypto.

Metaverse & Augmented Reality
Not only does Spherio finally give you something to do in the “Metaverse,” it allows you to share it with friends and on social media instantly.
Create a single universe for EVERYTHING.
It’s the immersive mobile tech and on-demand VR creation tool that enables ANYONE to design, create, access, and share amazing VR experiences, interactive AR content, simulated virtual content across social media, and eventually publish NFT collectibles… all at once!

Social Media
What is social about a flat screen? Spherio unleashes social media the way it should have been. Create 3D “Worlds” of content to view, store, interact with, and share. Create truly immersive content.

Mobile VR
Spherio takes the “scroll-forever” 2D mentality into an entirely different and immersive realm. “Swim” through your content and create your own virtual reality.

Gaming & Ecommerce
With Spherio, you can gamify ANYTHING. Create custom, personalized gaming of your choosing with a tap— no code! Use Spherio as a portal to buy and sell on any marketplace, store NFTs, and trade crypto.

Metaverse & Augmented Reality
Not only does Spherio finally give you something to do in the “Metaverse,” it allows you to share it with friends and on social media instantly.
The reality of Spherio Augmented Reality
For the first time ever, you will have the ability to anchor memories in time and space!
AR Spherios can be dropped anywhere. Upload content into public or privately accessible AR Spherios.
Claim your place in space— with Spherio!
Practical, simple, community-driven, and IMMEDIATE!
It’s a platform… and a portal
AirBNB is a platform for short term housing…users create profiles and share content. Instagram is a platform for social media interaction…users create profiles and share content. SPHERIO is a platform for immersified collections…users create profiles and share content.
Businesses and Companies who see the value of keeping up with technological changes are embracing and adapting right now, utilizing immersive space technology to allow for early entry into the Metaverse. This not only gives their users a better, immersive experience but also revolutionizes the way the customers engage with businesses.
By turning your 2D digital media (aka: everything on your phone or website right now) from the past and present into 3D interactive objects for the future, Spherio dramatically expands what can be done with your media. This creates more ‘consumerized customer experiences’.
Every real object around you right now is in 3D. Every screen around you is primarily using 2D viewing, scrolling, and swiping technology. Spherio bridges that gap by putting the tech already in your devices to work. We refer to it as ‘Media Depth Perception’
When a single photo of a product, venue or service (homes, cars, concerts, electronics, beer, etc) can have statistical information on the back (think flipping over a Baseball or Pokemon card) and then offer immediate one touch hyperlinking to anywhere on the internet for purchase, reviews, etc…as well as being added to related immersive collections viewed in any 2D or 3D space, the market size for that product is exponentially expanded across the entire lifecycle of that ‘image’. The only limit to what types of Spherio’s can be created is one’s imagination. Literally.
Spherio is an immersive content creation tool for influencers, retailers and brands to more efficiently beef up their e-commerce presence, help people find/learn about/buy new products, subscribe to new platforms, and onboard people into new realms. Spherio lets you create SMARTER OBJECTS from your media assets and photos by adding inherent VALUE to regular media every time it’s viewed, ACTIVATING your content way beyond what is otherwise available!
Spherio is not meant to replace the way media exists today. Instead, it behaves as a COMPLIMENTARY and ENHANCEMENT tool to the way you currently share and experience mobile content, simultaneously optimizing it for the immersive content hungry audiences of tomorrow.
Welcome to the Spheriverse
The new and addictive way to view and showcase the content you already have in immersive mobile space, VR, and Metaverse realms— simultaneously.
This ‘Virtual Gallery’ is just one example of unlimited immersive possibilities you can create…
…using JUST your phone.
Ever take a photo with your phone?
You probably have over 1,000 pictures and screenshots on your phone right now. Spherio lets you use all that content you already have and create new, interactive, immersive collections and experiences with content just sitting on your phone. Spherio is designed to allow anyone to make immersive content collections of any size and share across any platform with no more tech skills than being able to post on social media.
Speaking of social media, after you quickly learn to use Spherio with what’s on your phone you can go grab content from your social media and transform it into immersive content too! You could, for example, make monthly or seasonal or yearly Spherios from your content and put them all on your screen at the same time then set the auto-orbit in motion and have your mind blown!
Welcome to infinite space emergence…a vast digital sky…just spread your fingers and fly. Spherio immediately feels like the natural technology modern humans have been waiting for.
People are ready and WANT TO CREATE higher forms of self-expression. Spherio is here to support that inclusive, transparent environment.
Put your photos and media to work for you in entirely new ways inside a Spherio, and have fun while doing it…you’re gonna love it!
Play with your content
Have you ever made a mobile game? Has anyone you know ever sent you a game they made?
Spherio is about to change that forever.
Game buttons are built in, so when you, your friends, or your customers want to ‘gamify anything’… they can! One touch On, one touch Off, as with so many Spherio features. Simple and fun!
Spherio is custom, personalized gaming— for anyone.
Have you ever made a mobile game?
Has anyone you know ever sent you a game they made?
If you answered no, then Spherio is about to change that for you, because a Spherio has game buttons built right into it, so when you, your friends, or your customers want to ‘play with your content’…they can! It’s super casual too. One touch on, one touch off…as with so many Spherio features. Simple and fun.
Is there a way to compete or play these games with others you ask? YES! Spherio already automatically quantifies the results of your games played which can then be added to leaderboards (public and private), as well as the ability to modify the game settings or share to others as a challenge. You can even offer prizes to your audience and incentivize their time with your content.
Our life is not in 2D
Xerox invented the graphical desktop with folders and icons in 1981.
We still use it TODAY.
Spherio introduces 3-dimensional content management— don’t “point & tap”… FLY THROUGH content in a way that immediately feels human and natural.
Customized VR in the palm of your hand.
Look at your phone. That’s where Spherio lives. Everything beyond that like VR and desktop elements are more like ‘touch-teleporting’ into Spherio vacation homes. You visit them and have a great time, or start packing and planning for the trip anytime, but ‘home is where the heart is’, and Spherio home base is in your palm, on your phone.
You can expect responsive control, super-fast uploading, and expansive tool sets built for maximum visual effects between hand and eyeballs. A variety of immersive navigation controls help you and your audience discover how to uniquely experience your content, instead of the same vertical infinite scrolling platform given to everyone all at once.
With Spherio, you’ll swim through oceans of memories, fly through galaxies of products, and create Worlds of of the things you Love and want most.
Spherio is customized VR that lives in the palm of your hand first.
Marketplaces, crypto, & NFT exchanges
In Spherio, digital content is transformed into interactive ‘cards,’ which become portals into anything from Marketplaces to Social Media to anywhere online.
With Spherio, accessing anything from Crypto exchanges to NFT platforms feels just like playing a game.
Learn more about this V2 feature
The creation and storage of NFTs, transfer and integration with cryptocurrencies, and Web3 DAPPs are coming soon!
Defining the Metaverse
Spherio will be the vast majority of the human population’s FIRST experience with VR, AR, and XR content, and they will never forget it. People will finally have something to do in the ‘Metaverse,’ and they can share it all NOW with our mobile-first approach.
Spherio will be synonymous with immersive, VR, AR, and XR technology in people’s minds… just like Uber, AirBnB, SNAP, or YouTube are in their fields.
Spherio is VR in the palm of your hand.
Don’t arrive at the virtual party empty handed.
We got you! Here’s something to FINALLY do in the Metaverse, outside of a headset. GO ahead and push the limits of what Digital Collectibles can be. Spherio empowers Metaverse creators and offers democratized access into this new virtual landscape.
Spherio gives you all the tools you need to both create and understand what it’s like to have 3D, immersive content right in the palm of your hand! Join the Meta-movement. The things you’ll create with Spherio not only hold their own as mobile based content, it’s some of the most amazing, versatile, and useful media you’ll ever make!!
Sound complicated?…It’s not. Spherio will guide you each step of the way while offering you redeemable, in-app NFT-style rewards allowing you to unlock additional features as you go along your immersive path of discovery towards becoming a Spherio master. The Spherio experience, (or ‘xSPHERience’) is intuitive, smooth, fun, rewarding, and best of all… FREE!
Headset VR viewing is optional for you as the creator, or anyone you share your immersive Spherio’s with. You can create right from your phone within minutes, share that creation within seconds, and then anyone you share with has the OPTION to portal right into a QUALITY VR experience. People never forget their first virtual experience, so you can brand yourself as a VR Meta-Master without having to ever even go into VR yourself.
When you hold Spherio in your hand for the first time, you’ll know right away why Spherio is going to change the entire content and media sharing landscape. Then once you really understand how Spherio can transform your digital media into interactive objects with customizable scenes and gamification elements, you’ll have a much better grasp of the true potential that a palm sized supercomputer in your hand has to offer, turning you into a new type of creative superhero.. Spherio unlocks the potential to do SO MUCH’ll see.
Infinitely sticky & social
The first and only way to view, interact, and create truly immersive mobile content.
Spherio’s addictive, shareable, personalized platform is incentivized through awards and inherently sticky, creating LONG-TERM value from each individual’s content.
Users crave sharing their 3D ‘Worlds’ of content and like Facebook, it becomes impossible to leave. It’s unlike anything in existence.
Social Media & eCommerce will never be the same.
When you create content with Spherio you are unlocking an entirely new way to showcase your life, business, and passions that was previously unavailable. Spherio is the most amazing thing to happen to mobile phone content sharing since the mobile phone!
After you create a Spherio, there are all sorts of different ways you can use that content. It could be used to publish as screen capture content across any of your social media platforms, or shared across the Spherio platform with anyone you choose as immersive content which anyone can then navigate in their own ways. Everyone who experiences your Spherio has their own unique experience with that content. If you allow it, they can contribute their content to your Spherio… portal into any website or app you set your interactive cards to teleport them to…view your content gyroscopically by simply moving their phone OR inside real VR headsets at the push of a button…They can even transform your content into their own casual game!
Today, social media users can ‘Like’, ‘Comment’, and ‘Share’ posts. With Spherio, users can interact in all sorts of different ways with the content. Creators and passive viewers alike will both have a suite of creative tools to both observe AND ‘modify’ content, share entire ‘collections’, leave behind ‘secret messages’, and collaboratively affect the experience as a whole. This is an evolution of the user/creator/earner economy mindset. You put a Spherio out there and it can come back to you with all sorts of modifications (If you want that), revealing all sorts of new information about your audience. A Spherio can act as a ‘feeler’ or a ‘survey’ of sorts on the way to closing or ‘minting’ that Spherio at the right time. It’s like a living entity in that way.
A spherio is more like a time capsule of interaction than a ‘post’. If a post is a polaroid picture, a Spherio is the futuristic album that you put them in and display in 3D on the table. Posts are more for the moment…Spherio’s are more like…Forever.